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Role for Secretary to SCOSA. 18.03.22


SCOSA CONSTITUTION (extract Section 6.0 )


6.1        A Secretary, who shall not necessarily be an academic, shall be appointed by the Annual General Meeting to be responsible for the administrative affairs of the Conference;    

6.2        An honorarium, to be reviewed annually, will be paid to the Secretary;

This is £14000 per year April 2022

6.3        The appointment will normally be for two successive years with the possibility of re-appointment.


SCOSA: Role of Secretary

Schedule of Professional Duties, Attributes and Experience: 0.25FTE approx.


  • To attend and arrange all meetings to include:

        - the Autumn, Winter and Summer SCHOSA meetings

        - quarterly Council meetings to be held on the same day as quarterly ARB and RIBA liaison meetings

        - the Annual General meeting (to be held immediately prior to the Autumn Meeting)

        - the annual 2-day Spring Conference

  • To liaise with the SCOSA Chair on a regular basis and support him/her in a timely and professional manner.

  • To provide appropriate administrative support to Council members in carrying out their SCOSA duties.

  • To undertake the organisation of the annual conference and meetings.

  • To take minutes of all meetings (including those listed above) and to circulate as required.

  • Set up all meetings, arrange their location, and to prepare generally for the meetings.

  • To be the postal address for all SCOSA correspondence.

  • To respond to enquiries and forward to others as required.

  • To retain the records of the official business of SCOSA such as payments and expenses.  To prepare annual Income and Expenditure accounts and prepare an annual statement with respect to the reserves and SCOSA accounts. 

  • To issue all membership invoices and make the necessary arrangements for associated payments.  To pursue members for non-payment where required.

  • To provide administrative support for SCOSA projects.

  • To liaise with the SCOSA website team.


  • Ability to work independently and under self-direction to support SCOSA Chair and Council in its operation.

  • Ability to organise and administer events.

  • Ability to provide secretarial support in the form of the preparation of agendas and accurate meeting minutes.

  • Familiarity with financial accounts and ability to manage finances.

  • Excellent personal skills and the ability to work as part of a team.


  • Ability to secure conference sponsorship, and raise funds from sources other than membership fees, where possible

  • Knowledge of Architectural Education.

  • Experience with website management and social media management.

To apply please send an expression of interest to include :

  1. A statement to describe the applicant’s interest in the role and knowledge of SCOSA

  2. Description of experience to relate to the attributes and experience required for this role

  3. A brief CV( no more 2 A4 sheets )  to identify relevant experience

  4. Names of 2 referees

Please note that this role will need to start as soon as possible , we will arrange a handover date with the current secretary at some point in April 2022.

The interviews will take place by Teams meeting on 6 April 2022.

Any queries please contact Lorraine Farrelly Chair of SCOSA.

All information for consideration of application to be sent by e mail to Lorraine Farrelly by 5pm on 1st April 2022

- SCOSA COUNCIL – March 2022

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