SCOSA Architectural Education Awards
The SCOSA Awards are intended to recognise ‘Innovation in Architectural Education’ annually and ‘Lifetime Contributions in Architectural Education' biannually. They are awarded by the Standing Conference of Schools of Architecture (SCOSA).
Nominations are welcome for nominees (individuals or teams) who are employed by one of SCOSA’s member organisations at the time of nomination.
Self-nominations are welcome from anyone who wishes to put themselves forward for an award.
Nominations are welcome for all eligible nominees in recognition of their contribution to architectural education, including casual, part-time staff and early career staff.
The Awards are intended to recognise completed work or achievement by the nominee(s) and are not intended to fund projects. Financial support for projects which are to the benefit of members may be available subject to the proposal being accepted by SCOSA Council, but such support is entirely distinct from the scope of these Awards.
Nomination dates
Nominations for ‘Innovation in Architectural Education’ are invited annually and should be submitted by the 31st October to the SCOSA secretary.
Nominations for ‘Lifetime Contributions in Architectural Education' are invited biannually with the next submissions to be made by 31st October 2025.
The Awards will be typically announced annually at the SCOSA Spring Conference.
Nomination process
The applications will be considered by a judging panel drawn from the SCOSA membership. The judges will be appointed by SCOSA Council. The judging panel will consist of a minimum of 3 people. Judges employed by the same institution as a nominee will not be involved in the consideration of that nomination. The decision of the judges is final and there is no appeals process.
Nomination format
The relevant entry form for each application should be provided (this is available from the SCOSA website). In addition a maximum of 5 A4 pages of supporting material can be included with the nomination.
The Judges will be asked to base their decisions on the impact on architectural education (either locally or nationally).
The Innovation Awards will also be judged on the scope and effectiveness of the innovations in pedagogy include within the nomination.
The Lifetime Contribution Award will also be judged on the duration of the nominee’s sustained impact on architectural education.
The judges will be mindful of the context of each nomination. In the case of the Innovation Awards this will included whether the nominee(s) are full or part-time and the career stage of nominees.
The winner(s) of each award will receive an honorarium of £1000. Judges may also award “Commendations” with the recipients receiving an associated honorarium of £500.
The Judges may award between 0-3 Awards annually and 0-3 Commendations.
Winners of each award will be invited to present an outline of their related work at the SCOSA Spring Conference following the announcement of the Award. The winners of each award and recipients of Commendations will be invited to prepare a summary of their related work for inclusion on the SCOSA website. The conferring of the Award and Commendations are not dependent on accepting the speaking invitation or providing the material for the SCOSA website.
To submit your nominations for each award, please fill in the appropriate form and any supporting information to by 31st October.